Thursday, April 21, 2016

Minor Updates

Good Evening, and welcome back!

Just wanted to let you know that I should have some concept art rolling in this weekend. Pretty usual stuff, though the actual novel most likely consist of sketches rather than full up CGs.

In terms of the writing, I'm at 20ish pages and am still in the Prologue section. It's going to be interesting to use this to develop the characters, seeing as how MC will be pretty much on his own for a large portion of the story. I'll post a sample of the dialogue below - let me know what you think!

“You know [MC], you don’t really seem like you fit up here with the rest of us”

I set my book on my lap, careful to replace the bookmark on the last page I read.

“Why is that?”

“Well, you heard it this morning. Most of us come from pretty shitty families. If anything, you seem more up there with Lieutenant [blank] than us”

“Doesn’t really quite matter though, draft is a draft. I’m here just like you guys are”

I smiled and drew from the cigarette. I wasn’t much older than [Friend of MC], but if anything he was much more seasoned than I was in all respects of the military. Still, it was nice to talk to someone similar to my age.

“What was it like back at home for you?”

“Trying to get sentimental already [Friend of MC]? I hope this doesn’t mean I die tomorrow.

I laughed as he gently punched me. I stared towards the worn wooden floors with their dark pits.

“Well, I was back in college before I got called up. Parents were pretty busy traveling so I’m used to coming home to an empty house. I mean, what do you want to know about?”

[Friend of MC] thought for a brief moment and responded.

“I signed up pretty damn early, sort of the escape from home. Love of country is great and doesn’t beat you like my pop did. Mom ran away with another man, so things at home were always messed up”

He blew smoke before continuing again.

“I guess about that normal life? Life back on the homefront? The older guys always describe it as something they always want to go back to, but it’s not something I’d want to return to”

I thought about some of his previous comments with the other members in our squad. Guess he played the joke even though he had no desire to go home.

I really didn’t know what to say.

“It all depends. Some of the guys have people waiting for them at home - some want to get back to doing what they want to do. As we’ve said before, freezing your ass off isn’t exactly everyone’s idea of a good time. For me, getting drafted was just another chapter of my life”

I dodged the question. I didn’t think I had the answer he was looking for. [Friend of MC] stared at the floor boards beside his boot.

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