Thursday, March 31, 2016

World Building

Good Evening!

Today I'll put down some world information that I have done. To be honest, I may start writing at this point, and tweak the characters as I go - since at this point I'm getting too deep into the nitty gritty. Regardless, here some facts about the universe that Project Worn Soles takes place in.

  1. Location

    1. Story is going to be taking place in an alternative version of Europe (or wherever allows for two small countries to wage war over resources while knowing very little of each other.
    2. Two countries, Country A and Country B. MC will be from country A and thus fight for country A. Most of the story will however take place between the contested areas between Country A and B.
    3. Scenes will vary from foxholes to fields. Mostly will stick to WWI/WWII style conflict areas.

  1. Technology

    1. Main things to remember about this, it is an alternate world depiction of the interwar years. Thus some technology will be available/accurate of history, others will not.
    2. Currently, use of aircraft in this world never got off the drawing board.
    3. Tanks are still in their infancy, however armored personnel carriers have advanced. Horses used in a limited combat role.
    4. Firearms are at a WWII level, with tactics still mixed between trench warfare and skirmishes. Very similar to the Chinese Civil War method of fighting.
    5. Telephone/Radio Still available.

  1. Historical Background

    1. Country A and Country B are both relatively small countries(Belgium and Netherlands sized)
    2. Both countries are surrounded by much larger neighbors, and make up the border of a bigger conflict. Each is trying to absorb each other so that they stand a better chance on the regional arena. Wars are driven by resources and access to a major port/river area for trade.
    3. Have been in and out of conflict on cycles of 10-15 years.
    4. There exists a buffer zone between the two countries that has constantly been ravaged by war, border transition is not sharp but rather gradual.

  1. Cultural Aspects

    1. Countries know very little about each other, however share the same language - perhaps different dialect.
    2. Perhaps the two countries are a fragment of larger countries around them, thus the reason for them to be different despite the relatively close locations.
    3. Both militaries have similar technology levels, however country B is a co-ed military, rather than Country A being a draft male force.

Let me know what you guys think!

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